Unsportsmanlike conduct includes:
Any player committing an act that the referee deems flagrant and semi-violent will be assigned a personal foul and will be automatically ejected for 4 scrimmage plays. The player’s team will also receive a 10 yard penalty.
Any player who accrues 2 or more personal fouls in a game will be suspended automatically for the remainder of that game and potentially for the subsequent game, subject to review by the MIFFL Board.
Violent personal fouls (such as throwing a punch) will result in automatic ejection for the remainder of the game and will be reported to the MIFFL Board for investigation and potentially further action.
The MIFFL Board reserves the right to review personal fouls and determine whether the severity of the foul and/or number of accumulated fouls merits disciplinary actions in addition to or separate from those listed above, including, but not limited to, partial or full suspension from future games, a full-season suspension, or a review of the player’s standing in the league.